- ◼︎ 0 โ 2: Low โ
- ◼︎ 3 โ 5: Moderate โ๏ธ๐
- ◼︎ 6 โ 7: High ๐ก๐ฅ
- ◼︎ 8 โ 10: Very high ๐ฅ๐ต
- ◼︎ 11 & above: Extreme ๐ฟ๐
Note: The UV Index is updated every hour between 7am and 7pm everyday. Health advisory sources:
Wikipedia. The emoji icons are our own addition for better UX.
For more info, see the
Ultraviolet Index page on the official website of the National Environment Agency.
Our data source is from the
Ultraviolet Index (UVI) dataset accessed from
data.gov.sg which is made available under the terms of the
Singapore Open Data Licence version 1.0.